Saturday, September 09, 2006

bansky in palestine

West Bank, Palestine 2005.

The security barrier separating the occupied territories from Israel is over 450 miles long and 38ft high. It was deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice but construction by the Israeli government continues.

bansky, is a UK london artist who does graffiti , he went to the wall in israel and palestine and recieved this message from a palstenian man:

PM: you make the wall beautiful

b: thanks

PM: we dont want the wall beautiful we hate this wall go home


Anonymous said...

PM: "we dont want the wall beautiful we hate this wall go home"

can't add anything to those words..

Colectivo Proagrupa y Colectivo Tomate said...

no queremos paredes ni tampoco fanaticos tronando bombas en los camiones donde los niños de israel ya sean musulmanes o judios, vayan a clases en la mañana. dificil situacion, facil de criticar pero dificil comprender.
las minorias siempre despiertan pasiones, pero no lo hemos sido siempre?